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A Comprehensive Guide on How to Negotiate a Factory Order Car

how to negotiate a factory order car

In the ever-evolving landscape of the automotive industry, the concept of factory ordering a car has gained significant traction among savvy consumers. Ordering a car straight from the factory allows for customization and ensures you get the exact specifications you desire.

However, the process doesn’t end with selecting features; negotiating a factory order requires a strategic approach. In this extensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of how to negotiate a factory order car, empowering you to make informed decisions and secure the best deal possible.

Understanding the Factory Order Process

Before delving into negotiation tactics, it’s crucial to comprehend the factory order process.

When you choose to order a car from the factory, you’re essentially customizing your vehicle, specifying everything from color and features to optional extras.

This process allows for a personalized driving experience but necessitates effective negotiation to ensure a favorable outcome.

Researching Manufacturer Programs

Start your negotiation journey by researching manufacturer programs and promotions.

Manufacturers often offer incentives for factory orders, such as special financing rates or discounts.

Understanding these programs equips you with valuable information to leverage during negotiations.

Setting Your Budget

Establish a clear budget before initiating negotiations.

Consider not only the base price of the vehicle but also any additional features or packages you plan to include.

Having a well-defined budget provides a solid foundation for negotiation and helps prevent overspending.

Researching Invoice and MSRP

Familiarize yourself with the Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) and the dealer invoice price for the specific make and model you’re interested in.

This knowledge empowers you to negotiate from an informed position, aiming for a price that aligns with market standards.

Identifying Optional Extras

Carefully consider optional extras and accessories you may want for your factory order.

Determine the cost of these additions and be prepared to negotiate each element individually.

Sometimes, bundling certain features can lead to additional savings.

Securing Financing Options

Explore financing options early in the process.

Knowing your credit score, understanding interest rates, and securing pre-approved financing can enhance your negotiating power.

Dealers may be more willing to negotiate when they know you have financing alternatives.

Visiting Multiple Dealerships

Don’t limit yourself to a single dealership. Visit multiple dealerships to gather quotes and leverage competitive pricing.

The more quotes you have, the better position you’re in to negotiate favorable terms.

how to negotiate a factory order car

Building a Relationship with the Salesperson

Establishing a positive rapport with the salesperson can work in your favor. A trusting relationship often leads to more transparent negotiations.

Be clear about your expectations and communicate openly to foster a cooperative atmosphere.

Negotiating the Purchase Price

When negotiating the purchase price, start by discussing the base price of the vehicle.

Reference your research on MSRP and invoice prices, and be prepared to negotiate each feature and optional extra. Don’t be afraid to walk away if the terms don’t align with your budget.

Understanding Fees and Additional Costs

Be aware of any additional fees or costs associated with the factory order. This may include delivery fees, documentation fees, or other charges.

Clarify these details upfront to avoid surprises during the negotiation process.

Reviewing the Purchase Agreement

Once negotiations are complete, carefully review the purchase agreement before finalizing the deal.

Ensure that all agreed-upon terms are accurately reflected in the contract, and seek clarification on any discrepancies.

Securing a Firm Delivery Date

Part of negotiating a factory order involves securing a firm delivery date.

Clearly outline your expectations regarding the timeline for production and delivery, and factor this into the negotiation process.

Considering Trade-In Options

If you have a vehicle to trade in, consider how this factors into the negotiation.

Research the fair market value of your trade-in, and be prepared to negotiate this aspect separately from the factory order.

Being Prepared to Walk Away

Negotiation is a two-way street, and it’s crucial to be prepared to walk away if the terms are not in your favor. Sometimes, signaling your willingness to walk away can lead to more favorable concessions from the dealer.

Following Up on the Order

After negotiations are complete and the order is placed, maintain communication with the dealership.

Regularly follow up on the status of your factory order, ensuring that production is on schedule and that any potential delays are addressed promptly.


Ordering a car directly from the factory is an exciting and personalized way to acquire your dream vehicle. Navigating the negotiation process requires diligence, research, and effective communication. By understanding the intricacies of how to negotiate a factory-order car, you position yourself as an informed and empowered consumer, ready to embark on a seamless journey toward driving the car of your dreams. Remember, negotiation is a skill that improves with practice, and each successful transaction enhances your ability to secure favorable terms in the future.

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